TC-KUB, TCR-KUB Rupture Disc for Tri-Clamp Connectors

TC-KUB, TCR-KUB Rupture Disc for Tri-Clamp Connectors




  • no fragmentation occurs after responding,
  • smooth convex surface on the pressure side,
  • CIP cleaning capability,
  • DN: 25-100, NPS: 1”-4”,
  • installation between housing (holder) or clamp pipe connections,
  • effective venting area from 3 to 62 cm2,
  • can be mounted in a safety head (holder) or tri-clamp fittings (removable clamps) compatible with ANSI and DIN standards,
  • minimum bursting pressures range from 3.0 bar g for DN 25 to 0.6 bar g for DN 100,
  • the TCR-KUB model guarantees disk sterility.